Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why Mike Huckabee for President?

The 2008 Presidential Campaign will be the hottest topic of discussion for the next several months, on the Democratic side we have Senator Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton and former Senator John Edwards to name a few, all are fairly common names in America today but who will be the Presidential Primary for the Democrats? As it stands right now it is a close race between Obama and Clinton, with Clinton showing slightly ahead.

However, they are all fairly dim when compared to the line up on the Republican side. Who will the Presidential Primary be for the GOP? Here we have former Governor Mitt Romney, former Mayor of New York Rudy Guliani, former Senator Fred Thompson and the candidate that is gaining support (click here to see recent news) and the candidate I strongly support, former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee.

I had heard some good things about Mike Huckabee and had watched a short clip of the night he was elected Governor of Arkansas and liked the way he handled the difficult situation with clear conviction of what was the right thing to do. Recently I watched the clip(s) of his speech at the Values Voters Summit and it was very clear that he is a faithful Christian who is passionate about this country, he glorifies God by using His Word to express values every American should have, values Mike Huckabee clearly has.

Our country's heritage is firmly founded in biblical truths that seem to have been forgotten, and have clearly been removed in today's public school system(s). What this country needs right now is someone like Mike Huckabee who is tried and tested, a proven leader that can and will stand by their word with strong values and convictions. Beliefs that include the sanctity of life at conception, the sanctity of biblical marriage as one man and one woman, the strong conviction that our country should be secure and self supporting, drawing on our own resources and that our country's current budget could use a major overhaul.

It is very clear that Mike Huckabee does not serve the god of this world, but seeks to glorify our most Holy God, God that created all things, the God we obey, the God we give thanks to, the God we worship, the God we desire to please, the God we seek to be like, the one true God, our God!

If you are not already a strong supporter of Mike Huckabee for President take a few minutes to watch the Values Voters Summit clips to the left and other Mike Huckabee clips that are available on and elsewhere and then join myself and many thousands of others who support Mike Huckabee for President.

How can I show support for Mike Huckabee?
Be a voice!
Know why you support him and tell others why they should support him.
Post a banner in your yard or window.
Post a campaign logo on your web page or blog.

Give your time!
Join in a fund raising campaign.
Join in a national or local campaign effort.

Make a contribution!
Donate to the campaign through the 4x4 plan at, it is not required that you be a pastor. This is a very easy way to support, make your $4.00 or more contribution, then make 4 contacts that will then contribute and make 4 contacts, etc. This plan is an effective fund raiser because you can "Be a voice", "Give your time" and "Make a contribution" in a few easy steps!

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