(click on any picture to see a bigger view)
I always like it when the sky is clear and the air is cold and crisp and you look over and see the snow capped mountain. The snow on the distant mountains has been heavier and has lasted longer than I remember in recent years. Travis, mom and myself jumped in the car one day a few weeks back after the first snow and went up to Frasier Park kind of spur of the moment thing. Even though the first snow had pretty much melted, we found some nice clean powdery snow in Hungry Valley so Travis and I got out and ran up and down the road throwing snow balls at each other, then we packed some on top of the car, we were only out in it maybe 15 minutes but it sure felt invigorating. When we got back in the car we had a short devotion as we warmed up, Travis read us a chapter out of the Bible and said a few words of importance regarding that passage. After that we went to Sizzler in Gorman and had lunch/dinner. We headed home tired and content with our day out. These spur of the moment trips sometimes turn out to be more fun than the most planned event. The only thing I regret is that we left home without a camera and so no pictures to share. The picture above I took today and is the third blanket of snow we have seen in the last three or four weeks.
Since I had the camera I snapped a few pictures of the kids out playing dodge ball during King's Camp at church today. The youth leaders played against the little kids (with one youth leader), guess who won?????? The little kids!!! Well next week is another game and another challenge.
Since I had the camera I snapped a few pictures of the kids out playing dodge ball during King's Camp at church today. The youth leaders played against the little kids (with one youth leader), guess who won?????? The little kids!!! Well next week is another game and another challenge.
Last but certainly not least, I got an email announcing this song "Every Promise of Your Word" a fresh arrangement by Stuart Townend being re-released in February by Getty Music. The words and music are by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. The title says it all, don't think I can find any better words to describe the message of the song and it is beautiful to listen to. Click here to hear the song and read the lyrics . You also won't want to miss Paul Tripp's reflections on this hymn.